I am very very excited! Yes! It's always been the tiny happenings in life that make me really happy. And I am ever so grateful to both,
The Purple Assassin and
A Dreamy Girl for lavishing the 'Liebester Award' on me. Honestly, thank you very very much. It means a lot to me, that my writing is worth awards. I am truly flattered!
Thank you, Purple Assassin :D xx
Thank you, Dreamy Girl! :D xx
The rules:
-State 10 random facts about yourself.
-Answer the questions given to you by the blogger who has tagged you for the award.
-Tag more people.
-Give them 11 questions to answer.
I cannnot honestly not think of even eleven facts about myself, let alone 11 for each of you, so here's all I could manage:
-I am 5'8. \m/
-I have a massive sweet tooth.
-I love my baby sister like crazy.
-I am shy with strangers but - "a goofball with friends", as narrated by my friend.
-I desperately want to own a type-writer.
-I write down my favorite lines from each novel I read.
-I really wanted to be a fashion designer, I drew dresses at the back of all my notebooks.
-I am a good listener but a bad speaker, so even if I understand I tend to keep it to myself.
Yep thats about it!
So next up, here are the answers to The Purple Assassin's questions.
1. What is your real name? Why did you choose your current blogger name?
My real name is Momina.
2. Which color do you like the most?
My favorite color is blue, royal blue but I am also crazy about yellow. The nice bright yellow.
3. What is the one thing you found hard to confess about yourself? The one you didn't even mention in you prior confessions?
I am very personal, I do not open up to people easily, hence every little confession or fact about me is hard to express.
4. Do you let the child within you come out often?
Very often but only in the company of family and friends. I am completely loco.
5. Do you really read people's post before commenting?
Each and every word!
6.Do you confess about crushes or do you like to hide it away?
I don't confess about crushes.
7.Chocolate or no chocolates?
Chocolates all the way. Massive sweet tooth.
8.Have you been to India? Is it one place you might be interested to visit?
I've never been, but I'd love too. There's the similar cultural heritage and so much other stuff that I would love to explore.
9.Do you believe in God?
Very firmly, yes.
10. Do you think of dying often or maybe about killing yourself?
I think of people's reaction when I'd die and I think of how I might die but never suicidally.
11. Will you be my friend?
Of course, I'd love too.
Here are my answers to A Dreamy Gal's questions:
1.What makes you write?
Words for me are everything, but not spoken, written. Hence, I write.
2. The best feeling is knowing that you actually mean something for someone - Who is that person in your life?
Definetly my sisters, but also a couple of my friends.
3. Meaning of your name? (In case you blog under a pen name, why that name?)
One who has faith.
4. One thing you want to change in life? (It can be people, situation, feeling or even me! :P)
I honestly wouldn't want to change anything, each and everything has lead to where I am, so yeah no changing.
5. 'Life gives you a million reasons to die, but one is enough to keep you alive' - What is your that 'one' reason? (If you have many, pen down all)
Family and friends. My baby sister, if you ask for one.
6. A bloggy/bloggies you would like to thank/appreciate/comments that made difference in your life? (I mean in blogging life. Don't include me, if am I am the one. That's height of bragging I know! :P)
I am grateful to each and everyone of you people, who read my blog. It doesn't matter how many times you've read it, but the feeling you get when you read someones's comment on a post is overwhelming. You people always put a smile on my face, and it's so nice to know that there are so many people out there who can relate to you, and who even without knowing you, appreciate you. You people are beautiful. Thank you.
7. One fear you live with?
Losing my sight, not being able to see those I love and not being able to write and read.
8. A dream which you didn't hope will come true, but did
I don't know, I don't have these big dreams that I want to fulfill. I just go with the flow of life, I don't like to complain or raise my expectations for something that might not happen.
9. Do you prefer to be straightforward, or shy away, or keep mum when it comes to saying some things? (You got the question I hope)
I am not straightforward, I tend to shy away but I deliver my point in what I think is the right way, gradually.
10. Can you share your best blog post? (That which is closest to your heart, and not as per 'popularity')
My best post would probably be Fire & Ice, because I've felt it, and I've strung the reality, not fiction.
I'd like to tag
Enigmatic soul
Furree Katt
Questions for you!
1- Who is the last person you usually think about before going to sleep?
2- Something you do alone, but wouldn't do in front of others.
3- Do you have any strange phobias?
4- One Favorite Novel that you'd like to recommend people to read and why.
5- Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? :P
6- Do you use Post-Its?
7-If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
8-What inspires you?
9- Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
10- Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
11- Have you ever danced without music?