
Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Echoing secrets

It’s in the wee hours of the morning when everything is so still it’s almost sinister, when the silence can be shattered by the drop of a pin, when it’s slightly scary even in the comfort of your own house; it’s in these dark moments that deep thoughts prevail me and I get the urge to write down all those. They are not about my life, these thoughts; they are about life in general, about the laws of nature and about people, strangers and friends alike. 
In these hours nothing makes sense and yet all of it makes more sense than ever. It’s so intricately designed, to be understood but at a certain moment, to be known but at a specific time; when you doubt it. When you suspect the truth of your thoughts and when truth is not transparent but lucid. The reality is so obvious that it’s suffocating.
And as dawn descends my pen just hovers over the paper, it has left splotches of ink; dark blue circles spread across the clear page. I recognize the truth but I have no power to write it, my thoughts reside but my words escape and betray me. A betrayal that doesn't hurts, an infidelity so obvious it is looked over, for these secrets are meant to be realized not spoken. Everyone falls through the reality of these moments, none can flee and none can incarcerate it in words or so. They are meant for all of us alone, secrets of nature that are meant to exist in in nature only. 



  1. I don't have words, rather am blank as to what to write. Coz I felt every word, every little word that you have written, felt every little feeling which is written.

    In these hours nothing makes sense and yet all of it makes more sense than ever.-So true. I wish I could write, like you, at least an inch of it as to how i am feeling after reading it. But I guess that says it all.

    1. Thank you, I am flattered! I am glad you can feel my words!

  2. There are several things that we think and feel, but just don't know how to put in to words. You just know it's there.

    1. Exactly, there are no words to describe that state. Thank you Mark!

  3. Replies
    1. Daily? Naah I don't think so. Believe me I have given this a lot of thought but I have no words for it.

  4. Oh my girl, you are too good. amazing stuff this is!!!

  5. Sometimes the mind produces certain thoughts that are too complicated to be put in words. Or sometimes, these thoughts are so beautiful that no words can do them justice. So in the mind they remain.

  6. So well put - you are very good with words :-).

    Nights are just so mesmerizing.
