
Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Crazy Ramblings #6

I have started relying on coke for when I get stressed. I just fill up a big coffee mug with it's cool blackness and sit in a quiet corner nursing my issues. I guess you have to, sometimes, you reach the level where you can't bother others with your own problems. It's then that you lean on these worldly non-living-but-fizzing-in-your-cup-as-if-alive things. I know it's mostly desserts people prefer with the whole phenomena of stress-spelled-backwards-is-desserts but coke is just as good. It doesn’t out does chocolate though, but it works fine, really. And the way it pops and fizzes in your mouth is somehow very calming.
And while I let out my concerns to coke, it frost the cup, letting out it's on the big mug it's filling. And I suppose the mug lets it out in the air where it all mingles with other stuff hanging there; looked over stuff, avoided stuff, disappointed stuff. It's there, together in it's loneliness. Like me. like us. I think too much. Next time I'll try calling a friend while drinking that mug of coke; someone to hold me in the reality, while I am probably going crazy.



  1. Glad to know that I'm not the only one who finds comfort in coke, sometimes. The sweet, liquid kind that is. :]

  2. I love coke, too!
    And you're right. we have to let it out.
    'And I suppose the mug lets it out in the air where it all mingles with other stuff hanging there; looked over stuff, avoided stuff, disappointed stuff.'
    ^my absolute fav line cuz it has so much truth in it.

  3. Pour just a quarter glass of Coke and fill the rest up with ice cubes. BEST COKE MOMENT :D

    1. add just a little 7up. It gets even better! :D

  4. Girl toooo much coke means extra calories :P

    1. fortunately, I am least worried about them at such moments.
